Sunday, August 11, 2024

BW33: 52 Books Bingo - Tell Me a Secret


Happy Sunday! Our next 52 Books Bingo category is Tell Me a Secret. I loved books with secrets. Books about secret agents, secret societies, secret doors and passageways, secret towns or a town with a secret, secret friendships or relationships, family secrets. That hidden something the characters, people, companies, or place want to keep hidden and everyone else is trying to uncover.  Read a book about a secret or with secret in the title.


Pan MacMillan’s Books with secrets


Modern Mrs. Darcy’s 20 notable novels featuring family secrets


Penguin Random House Page-Turning Spy Novels


Goodread’s Best Books of Secrets


Big T, little T, what begins with T:  Tenacious, transparent, taboo, and twists.

Please share your thoughts and reviews. Link to your website, blog, Goodreads, Google+, Tumblers, or Instagram page. If you do not have a social media account, please leave a comment to let us know what you are reading. The link widget closes at the end of each book week. 

In the Your Name field, type in your name and the name of the book in parenthesis. In the Your URL field paste a link to your post, then check the privacy box and click enter. 

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