Hello my lovelies. Did you know today is World Plant a Vegetable Garden Day? How about just a plain old planting day. When I met my husband 28 years ago, he had two huge Hawaiian Schefflera plants growing in his shop and by the time we moved the business last October to our new building, it was still alive (barely) root bound, a messy clump of limbs and leaves, with its fair share of aphids, that none of us wanted to move. He saved a clipping and low and behold, roots began to grow and the plant lives on. I think it's time to repot, dontcha think?

Ramadan is coming up on the 20th and April 22nd is Earth Day and Arbor Day on the 24th. I think I jumped the gun on National Zucchini Bread day on April 25th because I baked a couple loaves of zucchini bread this past week of which we have devoured one loaf and the other is in the freezer for later.

So get to planting and cooking while listening to some great audiobooks or bookish podcasts.
Also consider reading a book which was written 50 years ago in 1970, 75 years ago in 1945, or maybe a 100 years ago in 1920, plus learn about 30 Newsworthy Anniversaries in April 2020.
Cuddle Up With the 25 Best New Books Coming Out in April 2020
We have several anniversaries of well known authors birthdays this week including William Shakespeare, Charlotte Bronte, Henry Fielding, Halldor Laxness, Dame Edith Ngaio Marsh, Daniel Defoe, and Anthony Trollope to name a few.
It's National Library Week and many libraries are providing online services.
Please also support your independent bookshops and help them stay afloat.
Don't forget it is still National Poetry Month. Bustle provides an interesting list of reads, and poets are taking open mic nights and readings online during April. Plus learn to write your own poems as well.
Please also support your independent bookshops and help them stay afloat.
Don't forget it is still National Poetry Month. Bustle provides an interesting list of reads, and poets are taking open mic nights and readings online during April. Plus learn to write your own poems as well.
I'm here, she says
Lean on me. Wait, don't go.
I have much to teach,
We have far to row.
I'll do my best for tomorrow
There is hope in my sorrow
We look, we listen, we wait.
We do our best to bear the hands of fate.
We are saved. I am here.
No more pain, no more fear.
Yes, I'll wait.
Stand tall, it's not too late.
Hope waits, hope gives,
Sorrow passes, hope lives.
Don't worry, don't hate
Sorrow walks alone through the gate.
Remember, no matter what
The door will not shut.
Nothing is beyond my reach.
I have much to teach.
Don't worry yourself so.
Save the tears for tomorrow.
Hope tells the tale,
blessings prevail.
Hope waits.
Blessings and good thoughts winging your way for a bright tomorrow!
Please share your book reviews and link to your website, blog, Goodreads, Google+, Tumblers, or Instagram page. If you do not have a social media account, please leave a comment to let us know what you are reading. The link widget closes at the end of each book week.
In the Your Name field, type in your name and the name of the book in parenthesis. In the Your URL field paste a link to your post, then check the privacy box and click enter.
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