
Sunday, January 21, 2018

BW4: River by Shuntaro Tanikawa

Courtesy of Wikipedia



Why is the river laughing? 
Why, because the sun is tickling the river

Why is the river singing? 
Because the skylark praised the river's voice

Why is the river cold? 
It remembers being once loved by the snow. 

How old is the river? 
It's the same age as the forever young springtime. 

Why does the river never rest? 
Well, you see it's because the mother sea
Is waiting for the river to come home. 

Learn more about Shuntaro Tanikawa from Japan Times Newly Selected Poems,  Roger Pulvers, the Guardian's Poem of the Week as well as the Skinny's Escaping West.


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  1. Robin, I'd been reading "The 8 Minute Organizer" when I read your post about "Write a Novel in Ten Minutes a Day." I love the idea of working in small chunks of time and ordered a copy. I haven't read it yet, but thumbed through. I think it's going to be a helpful book. Thanks for mentioning it!

  2. As well as The Eyre Affair and The Devil in the White CIty, I also read Twisted Ones and Unquiet Spirits. Unquiet Spirits, a continuation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes was pretty good and will probably get it's own review on my blog next week. Twisted Ones won't, as unfortunately, I don't have anything positive to say about it! Thank for this invite Robin, I already feel so motivated in my reading!

    And sorry it's taken me this long to comment. I've had some real issues with the OpenID thing!


Thank you for your kind comments.