Sunday, May 28, 2017

BW22: Bookish notes and birthdays

It's time for another round of bookish notes and birthdays.  A potpourri of books and birthdays as we usher out Eastward/Emerald May.

When you think of emeralds, what comes to mind?  How could we forget the emerald Isle's.   How about reading story set in  Emerald Isle, North Carolina or Emerald Isle of Ireland?  Check out Irish Central's Top Ten Irish novelists in History.  Nor should we forget Cleopatra, since emeralds were her favorite gemstone.  I have Stacy Schiff's Cleopatra: A Life currently on my shelves and have been wanting to read Michelle Moran's Cleopatra's Daughter for some time.  Browse through Goodread's list of nonfiction and fiction reads about Cleopatra and delve into her life.

Monday is Memorial Day here in the United States where we honor those who died fighting for our country.  Writer's Relief lists Our Memorial Day Reading list: A Tribute to Those who served.  The Art of Manliness has a great post with 43 Books about War every man (and woman) should read.

On the 50th anniversary of the publication of Gabriel Garcia Marquez's One Hundred Years of Solitude, Alvaro santana-Acuna ponders in The Atlantic: How It Became a Classic.

Author Birthdays:

May 28 - James Bond novelist - Ian Fleming and Australian Nobel Prize winner for literature - Patrick White

May 29 - Essayist - G.K. Chesterton and British novelist - T.H. White

May 30 - Children's writer - Countee Cullen and Argentine poet - Juan Gelman

May 31 - Essayist - Walt Whitman and poet - Elizabeth Coastworth

Have fun following rabbit trails!


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