Time for a mini challenge! A few years ago I joined a challenge in which one of the tasks was to pick a book by its cover. The hard part - don't read the blurb and find out what it is about beforehand. Easier said than done. The temptation is just too much. Especially in person - however it is a bit easy to do when on line. Since then I have chosen books a few times using this method and usually end up with something excellent. Also, I couldn't pick books by authors I've already read. In the past I've utilized Amazon and wandered through the new releases. This time, I googled book covers 2016 and viewed images. I selected books with both covers and titles that caught my eye and intrigued me the most.
What do you think? Which one should I read? I dare you to try picking out a book based on its cover alone and see what you end up with. Of course, you have to share.
Playing catch-up already, here in (yikes) Week 6!