Sunday, May 17, 2015

BW20: Rabbit Trails

Josephine Wall's Ocean of Dreams

Josephine Wall's art always sends my imagination spiraling. Instead of doing the expected and highlighting all of Machiavelli's books such as The Prince or the Art of War, decided to follow a few rabbit trails this week.  His The Art of War leads to Sun Tzu who wrote The Art of War which leads to Forbes Sun Tzu's 31 Best Pieces of Leadership advice.  The Prince, of course, lead me to Antoine de Saint Exupery's The Little Prince.  I guess the story was supposed to be motivating but I found it extremely sad.  Has anyone read his other book Wind, Sand and Stars?   It's available for free for Kindle unlimited members.

This week we have  Honoré de Balzac and Sigurd Undset sharing the same birthday (may 20) as well as Dante and Alexander Pope (may 21).   Balzac honestly reminds of someone in The Princess Bride, I just can't put my finger on it.    Or maybe it was some other movie. Speaking of which, there are 17 films based on books hitting the big screen this year. The Moon and the Sun with Pierce Brosnan based on Vonda McIntyre's book which looks interesting as well as Victor Frankenstein from Igor's perspective and The Martian with Matt Damon based on Andy Weir's novel.  

You have to check out Project Vox which is working to revive or restore female voices which were left out of the 1700's philosophical canons.  They are highlighting Lady Masham, Margaret Cavendish and Anne Conway from England and Émilie Du Châtelet from France.

Have fun exploring rabbit trails! 


History of the Medieval World - Chapter 23 Aspirations pp 159 - 164 

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1 comment:

  1. My book this week was 'Mrs Hemingway' by Naomi Wood. I really loved this fictionalised (but based on real love letters and telegrams) account of Ernest Hemingway's four marriages. It makes me want to reread his novels which I enjoyed as a student.


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