Choose a Book based on its cover
Have you ever chosen a book based on its cover alone? One of the tasks I have for the Take a Chance Challenge is to choose a book based on its cover and write a post about what I think the book is about. Then, and only then am I to read the back cover or the book jacket, read the book and post if my assumptions based on the cover is correct. I tried going into the book store and picking up a book without checking to see what it about. I couldn't do it. The temptation is just too great. You pick up a book, say "Gee, this looks interesting" and the next moment -- you are reading the back cover, thumbing through the book, reading a few pages. So, what's a girl to do? I could stick with authors I know and just pick up one of their books, knowing that its a tried and true and I won't be disappointed. Or I could go onto Amazon and pick out a book off the bestsellers list based on its cover by an author I know absolutely nothing about and post what I think the story is about. Then - go to the bookstore or order it off of Amazon.
Here's a few that I came across that struck my fancy on the Hot New Releases list in Literature and Fiction. I know absolutely nothing about any of the authors or the stories. I didn't look at any of the write ups or reviews, just went on the page long enough to download the picture.

They all look quite intriguing, don't they. I'll have a hard time resisting buying all four which are now on my wish list. I think a trip to Borders may be necessary.
Using the eenie, meenie, minee, mo method and the random integer generator, both methods coincidentally, I kid you not, agreed on # 2 -- Joseph Finder's Vanished.
What do I think the story is about? A mystery obviously. A woman vanishes in the middle of the city. Mississippi perhaps because the street looks like its paved in cobblestones. Did she run away from an abusive or mob type husband. Or was she spirited away by someone out to get back at her family or for more nefarious reasons. Oh I'm started to get very intrigued.
What do you think "Vanished" is about?
What about the other three books?
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